To help answer your questions please read below, or alternatively please contact us directly

Where can I buy OSMO® products?
Are OSMO® products tested on animals?
Where can I buy OSMO® products?
OSMO® products are available in 67 countries across the world. You can find your local distributor here
Are OSMO® products tested on animals?
No, OSMO® is against animal testing. We do not conduct animal testing on our products or ingredients, nor do we ask anyone to test them on animals on our behalf.
Are your products vegan friendly?
Our full OSMO IKON® permanent hair colour range is 100% vegan friendly. A selection of our care and styling range is vegan friendly too which is highlighted in the product description.
Which OSMO® products are sulphate free?
Our sulphate free ranges are Colour Save, Silverising, Super Silver and Super Cool.