To help answer your questions please read below, or alternatively please contact us directly

How do I perform a Skin Sensitivity test?
Do I need to do a skin sensitivity test?
How do I perform a Skin Sensitivity test?
Simply take the colour straight from the tube (without mixing with peroxide) and apply a thin layer behind the ear using a cotton bud or similar. If any reaction occurs within 48 hours, do not use the product. If you’re unsure about anything, please speak to your doctor.
Do I need to do a skin sensitivity test?
Yes, it’s important to complete a patch test 48 hours before applying any products in our colour range. This helps rule out unwanted allergic reactions. Even if the same products have been used before or have been used recently, we always recommend doing these tests as allergies can occur at any time.
How often should I use OSMO® Super Silver or Super Cool?
We recommend using Super Silver or Super Cool once a week. Super Silver banishes unwanted brassy, yellow tones in super-lightened, grey and blonde tones. Super Cool neutralises unwanted copper/red/brassy reflections in salon-lightened brunette-dark hair tones.
Do you offer education training courses?
We do! We offer a range of OSMO® training courses for colour, cutting and styling techniques for stylists of all experience levels. Find out more about our courses here